Our commitment to this sacred land is as timeless as our art.
We honor the past and shape the future by safeguarding our biodiversity, wildlife, and community, preserving this sanctuary for generations to come.
careyes founder
Nestled at the heart of the Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve, Careyes has become a beacon of hope for ecological preservation. With over 70 species of mammals, 270 species of birds, and a flourishing array of over 1,200 plant species, Careyes has stood as a staunch protector of biodiversity. Our commitment extends beyond architectural elegance; it includes safeguarding the delicate ecosystems that envelop us.
Turtle conservation is at the heart of Careyes' commitment to environmental stewardship. Since 1983, Careyes has been tirelessly protecting the precious nests of Pacific Coast sea turtles, including Olive Ridley, Hawksbill, Leatherback, and Black Sea Turtles. With an unwavering dedication to safeguarding these magnificent creatures, Careyes ensures the safety of over 2,000 turtle nests annually, nurturing and releasing more than 2.1 million hatchlings back into the ocean.
Since the inception of our construction efforts in 1972, we have prioritized minimizing our ecological impact. Our master plan is dedicated to preserving the land, deliberately limiting development to ensure that Careyes remains a sanctuary.
Cobblestone roads, meticulously handcrafted with rock and dirt, replace conventional asphalt. Our villas are designed for maximum cross-ventilation, reducing the need for energy-consuming air conditioning. We tread lightly at night, limiting outdoor lighting to conserve energy and preserve the celestial spectacle of the starry night sky. This dedication to harmonious coexistence with nature defines the essence of Careyes.
The Careyes Foundation stands as a beacon of hope along the South Pacific coast of Jalisco, Mexico. Committed to improving the well-being of local communities, it catalyzes innovative programs in education, sports, the environment, and the arts. From nurturing young minds through English classes in local villages to fostering artistic expression through an Artist in Residency program, the foundation's has developed diverse initiatives to enrich lives and protect the environment.
The Careyes Clinic was founded by Ana Casas de Brignone in 2020 as a non-profit emergency healthcare institution. The clinic services the Careyes area and surrounding communities and is financed via yearly membership payments and extraordinary donations. Some years ago, a single donor family facilitated the construction of a brand-new clinic facility together with its state-of-the-art medical equipment, self-sufficient solar energy supply and emergency back-up generator.
24-hours ambulance service, a laboratory for essential bloodwork and a dedicated area for the treatment of infants all form part of the clinic’s extraordinary facilities. The Careyes Clinic treats around 5,000 patients and emergencies annually. Contact the clinic here.
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